HaruTheme Introduction

HaruTheme Introduction

7.5 /10 2090 Views 5 Comments


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Cast & Crew

There are 5 comments

  1. admin

    Baywatch veers all over the place like a drunk on a speedboat, making for one of the most lacklustre comedies of the year so far. Even Dwayne Johnson’s formidable biceps and sense of humor can’t save this raunched-up remake from drowning.

    28 août 2017
    • admin

      Even Dwayne Johnson’s formidable biceps and sense of humor can’t save this raunched-up remake from drowning HaruTheme.

      29 août 2017
  2. admin

    The movie is a minor crime, a meandering misdemeanor that’s neither soft-core nor hardcore but no core, with no consistent style and minimal content.

    28 août 2017
  3. admin

    Baywatch veers all over the place like a drunk on a speedboat, making for one of the most lacklustre comedies of the year so far. Even Dwayne Johnson’s formidable biceps and sense of humor can’t save this raunched-up remake from drowning HaruTheme.

    28 août 2017
  4. admin

    Baywatch is sleazy and wholesome, silly and earnest, dumb as a box of sand and slyly self-aware. It’s soft-serve ice cream. Crinkle-cut fries. A hot car and a skin rash.

    28 août 2017

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